
King Kong Vs. Godzilla

Ok, here it is (albeit in black and white trailer vs. color film). This is the film that took the monster vs. monster genre to new heights, literally. No more Dracula against the Wolfman crap, or Frankenstein meets the Invisible Man. This was mano a mano monster.

In America, King Kong bested Godzy, although the filmmakers had to give Kong powers he lacked in the original film, plus making Kong about ten times bigger. They also made Godzy more evil looking than in other films. It was clearly a Japanese sellout to try to make it big in American markets. And it worked.

Legend has it that there was a Japanese version of the film in which Godzilla kicked the King's ass. But, the supposed version of the film has never been found, despite being thought of as the 'Director's Cut'.

Let's face it, though, in reality (and let us fancify it), there is no way Kong could have beaten Godzy. The Big Green Stomper would have simply fried Kong's fur off.

Oh well, leave it to me to root against my own country's hero.