
De Niro Unbound

It was commonplace, 15-20 years ago, to hail Robert De Niro as unquestionably the greatest living American actor. But, then came his later period: all the retread cops and robbers roles, as well as the pathetic Analyze and Meet The comedies.

I make no pretense to having seen all the films the man starred in, but since it's widely acknowledged that his buddy, Martin Scorsese, has gone south, making big budget, ,lifeless films starring Leonardo DiCaprio, let's add the corollary, that De Niro is no longer the best actor in the business.

Part of this, I guess, is the desire for big paychecks, and the rest is that there simply is no one around making films of intellectual depth. Who would one include in such a category? Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Peter Jackson? These guys do not make capital F films, they make lower case m movies.

And what actor could possibly compare to De Niro in his prime? Philip Seymour Hoffman? Brad Pitt? The former lacks the charisma and the latter lacks the chops. Tom Cruise, Little Leo DiCaprio? Neither of them has the acting range of a coyote.

No, there simply is no film actor who can do the work, and the work simply is not available.
