Ricci: one hot mama!

Halle Berry sucks. YAWN. I am tired of seeing pictures of whorey women. BORING!
Let's remember what Charlize looked like in Monster, one of Dan's favorite films.

Then he went on to note: "Charlize looks great in the film, I was getting a boner watching her make out with that other hottie, Christina Ricci. No one, not even Zeta-Jones or Grace Kelly, does it for me like Christina Ricci. Her eyes and forehead are stunningly attractive, and that ass, yum. She makes Halle Berry look like the crack ho she was meant to be."

He also thinks that Ricci's finest performance is in the movie Prozac Nation, where she's playing a drugged out, depressed loser that is Liz Wurtzel. Here's what he said in his review:
"Ricci looks stunning in all her shots. I just love it when she takes her shirt off and I want to snip her nips so bad, my god, she is so hot as the depressed and fuckable Wurtzel. I just want to nail her so hard. I mean, look at those tits, that ass..."

Dan also told me the only other women who come as close to Ricci's hotness is Shelley Duvall and Joyce Carol Oates.

That's right, I am in charge of who he fantasizes about. Some people are just too good looking to be photographed.