I vaguely remember it coming out in 2001, yet I never managed to see it. Overall, it was better than I expected and was not a bad way to pass a couple of hours.

As I said, I enjoyed what I saw, though admittedly I did not see it in its entirety. I started in about 20 mins late and then had to watch the earlier scenes on You Tube to try and fill in the gaps. Basically it's about "trying to find yourself" at that age but it's done in a fresher, wittier way. It's also directed by the guy who did Crumb. The film does a good job poking fun of bad art--there is this scene with this PC, flake of an art teacher who believes all art needs to have deeper "meaning" and so one girl brings in a tea cup with a tampon in it and she gets an A for "expressing her femininity" blah blah blah.
Here is the trailer if you'd like to watch: