Vincent Price was, simply put, the best B film actor ever, and the best horror film actor ever. Yes, yes, that may be like saying one was the best swimmer on the Titanic, but still....give a legend his due.
As I said, in my review of War-Gods Of The Deep:
....even were this film not helmed by a true talent like Tourneur, it would have gained a few notches simply by Price’s magisterial presence. He could bring pathos and depth to even the most absurd situations and dialogue, and does so here. He has kidnapped Jill because she looks just like his dead wife from over a century before- an old trope that never seems to lose its usefulness in inspiring B film madmen, especially Price, who made a specialty out of longing for dead spouses on film. Of course, what makes this film work is that Price never concedes, with even a wink nor nod, that he is in a B film. If only he had been allowed to do Shakespeare in an A film, how much richer American cinema would have been, but he was consigned to B films because of his odd physical features, and slightly fey mannerisms.
Yet, even though he suffered a sort of typecasting, the man never let it ruin his career. Check out how he makes lemonade from lemons:
Like many horror films, I went to see the Price films of the 1960s and 1970s while sneaking into theaters, and loved his acting. But, here is an interesting snippet of the man, as the man: