Dan and I listened to Ann Counter yap on CSPAN at this Young American Bullshit I'm a fucked up right winger college kid convention and I don't understand where she gets her facts. She likes to rewrite history. Anyway, the above picture is how I felt afterward.
But onto better things. The movie. Dawn of the Dead. Huh? I admit this will probably piss off a lot of Romero fans, but I was kind of bored. The DVD we have contains a number of different versions. There is the Theatrical U.S. Version, the European Version, and the Extended Version. Extended Version? I watched the U.S. Version and it finished at 2 hours and 7 mins and that felt way too long.
I thought the blue paint was cheesy, the blood was bad and having the film in color just doesn't work. Night of the Living Dead was so much better. Visually, the black and white only made the zombies scarier. Also, there were more details in that film, like the radio announcements, as well as the individual character development was stronger. In Dawn of the Dead, they just start killing and shooting right away, and what they're shooting at isn't that scary, it's more stupid looking, so I was a bit bored.

Anyhow, I don't think Dawn of the Dead is bad, and I suppose I can see how some like it and think it's funny, but it just might not be my thing. Others who write for this site: if you disagree and think this is great I am more than willing to listen. Is it just nostalgia?