
Prometheus - Official Full Trailer - In Theaters 6/8/12

That's right, Ridley, steal from yourself- your younger, better self.


Sylvia Plath Part 5/11

A funny scene from the cheesy movie Sylvia. Watch the 1st 3 mins or so where Ted screams, "Alright, I fucked her! Holding her ass!"

I get tickled.

The Desert of the Tartars - A Tribute


The Orange Cat (1986 - 2007)

Cat commits suicide? Wow. 21 years. Death acts in strange ways. They loved her even though not friendly.


Apollo Schneider: 8/30/07-3/9/12

Rest in peace, my sweet little angel, my Bub, my Little Boy. Your mommy and I will always love you.


Ingmar Bergman Interview (4/6): Life, Death, and Love

“Shame” review

The greatest critic who ever has lived or ever will live reviews Shame.

Damn, he’s the sexiest, manliest, most brilliant, most intelligent, greatest human being who’s ever lived.