
They Made Me A Criminal (10)

They Made Me A Criminal (9)

They Made Me A Criminal (8)

They Made Me A Criminal (7)

They Made Me A Criminal (6)

They Made Me A Criminal (5)

They Made Me A Criminal (4)

They Made Me A Criminal (3)

They Made Me A Criminal (2)

They Made Me A Criminal (1)

John Garfield- Body & Soul

John Garfield

Another of my dad's favorite actors.


Fantastic Planet- Trailer

This was a sci fi film I saw years ago, as a kid, and have an old VHS tape of. The animation is not great, but the tale is very interesting.


Wild Kingdom (3)

Wild Kingdom (2)

Wild Kingdom

Marlin Perkins was the landlubbin' American equivalent of Jacques Cousteau. Loved this show as a kid, and got a couple of cheap DVDs with show episodes yesterday. Loved how Marlin punked old Jim Fowler, giving him the dangerous assignments while Marlin cooled out in the studio.


Stranger Than Fiction

I was doing some work earlier, and was flipping thru the channels when I came across this 2006 film. I watched the last 80% of it, and it was quite charming.

Not great cinema, and the ending was predictable- that somehow the main character would not die, but it was done with far more verve and affection, and far less pretension than the films written by Charlie 'One Note' Kaufman.

Zabriskie Point- Interview

Zabriskie Point- Hump Dogs

From a Spanish transfer.

Zabriskie Point- Ending

Zabriskie Point- Trailer

The review is up.


John Frankenheimer Interview (13)

John Frankenheimer Interview (12)

John Frankenheimer Interview (11)

John Frankenheimer Interview (10)

John Frankenheimer Interview (9)

John Frankenheimer Interview (8)

John Frankenheimer Interview (7)

John Frankenheimer Interview (6)

John Frankenheimer Interview (5)

John Frankenheimer Interview (4)

John Frankenheimer Interview (3)

John Frankenheimer Interview (2)

John Frankenheimer Interview (1)


Eastwood On Hackman

Gene Hackman Interview (5)

Gene Hackman Interview (3)

Gene Hackman Interview (2)

Gene Hackman Interview (1)

The French Connection 2- Ending

The French Connection 2- Trailer

The French Connection- Poughkeepsie

The French Connection- Trailer

Bullitt Car Chase

The car chase that set the standard The French Connection chase sough to best.

The French Connection- Car Chase

I saw this film many years ago when little. Very realistic in its portrayal of the era. Recently got it on DVD and will rewatch.